
The goal of the game consist in climbing platforms, staying above the lava and avoiding the spikes on the floor. A simple game made in 7 days during ZenoJam 6. 

Also is my first game. :P

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The controls can be remapped in game.

AGo to the left
DGo to the right
SFall faster

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  • Godot logo: "Godot logo monochrome", from Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
  • Textures: "Abstract Platformer" by Kenney. Licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal.
  • Font: "Kenney Pixel" by Kenney. Licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal.
  • Music: “Secret Labs”, from Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0

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Special thanks 

  • A tester who suggested some corrections for the game.

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Minor disclaimer

There are probably some minor bugs that I didn't catch or some typos because English isn't my first language, if any of that happens then sorry for the inconvenience.

Release date Dec 24, 2022
Made withGodot
Average sessionA few seconds
LanguagesEnglish, Spanish; Latin America
AccessibilityConfigurable controls


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The way the camera zooms in and out each time I jump gives me a slight headache. Not a bad game, just not for me.

congratulations with first game! good level

(1 edit)


- incredibly soothing atmosphere121

- beatiful game

-infiuriating, in a good way

- Good choice to not use sfx

Personal Cons:

-It feels as if a lot of time was wasted in development. 

In my opinion, the game didnt need that much customization. 

(Well, the option to change the controls is very welcome - however, 

the language function feels a bit unneeded, as this is an english jam and

most people will probably understand basic english. Keep in mind that this is only my opinion.)

-The camera panning.... is strange. i started off hating it, but when i finally got the hang of jumping, it felt satisfiying.

-i would have personally recommended adding variable jumps, to get more control over the blob. could be combined with the camera feature - if you jump high, the camera could zoom etc.

8/10, Looks and feels very soothing and relaxing. I respect the choice of keeping the game simple by not adding many features to the actual game. it can be a very wise choice. 

(My time was 1:21)